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Safe Procedures

With bariatric surgery it is possible to extract up to 80% of the stomach, we present in the following a testimonial where you can see the great change after surgery.

This procedure has great health benefits that will make you have a better quality of life, the most important thing is to feel good about yourself. That is why we want to help you meet your goals


Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) has become the most popular option in the bariatric surgeon community due to its high levels of long term success and its quick post-surgical recovery. Gastric Sleeve is a surgical procedure performed laparoscopically in which the size of the stomach is reduced by up to 80%.

The success of this surgery is not only tied to its restrictive nature but also because of the decrease of Ghrelin, the hormone that regulates appetite. Are you a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?

Find out by filling out our online Medical Questionnaire..


Gastric Bypass (Roux En Y)

Gastric Bypass surgery makes the stomach much smaller. The new stomach (pouch) has a capacity of about two ounces.

This surgery also allows food to bypass part of the small intestine. Want to know more about this surgery? Contact us!


Mini Gastric Bypass

Mini Gastric Bypass is a combined surgical procedure as it combines two mechanisms: Restriction (by creating a small and thinner stomach) and malabsorbtion (by creating a “bridge) between the stomach and the intestine).


By creating a small and thin stomach (approximately 100 ml) and since there is a feeling of fullness, the patient only consumes a small amount of food.

Thanks to the “bridge” food is not absorbed completely resulting in weight loss. Want to know more about this surgery? Contact us!


Frequent questions

Safe procedures for a healthy life

Gastric banding is often a minimally invasive surgery performed with small incisions, a laparoscope (a tiny camera), and special instrumen

Approximately between 1 – 2 week

We rely on the body mass index (BMI) as one of the important factors in the same way your medical history. An appointment is made for assessment with our specialists

The risks are different with each patient, since it depends on their state of health. That is why a pre-operative analysis is performed to assess the patient’s health stat

Because weight loss is quick, weight-related health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, sleep apnea, and heartburn improve quickly.

Quality Medical facilitators